Thursday, November 15, 2007

And I'm Max

This is one of my favorite photos of myself. I think I look pretty damn good, if I don't say so myself. And the fact that my humans bought a cool sculpture of me, that's even better! I like being outdoors when it's nice, but I hate when it's rainy, cold, snowy, or windy.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I'm Leo

My name is Leo. Short for Leonardo. I love my new house and new humans and am trying to become friends with the other dog, Max. Max is a bit unsocial towards me now, although he doesn't mind sharing a dog bed with me occasionally, although we each one of our own. So, he's warming up to more I think. Sometimes it takes time to be comfortable with a new addition, me. The humans, Joe and Ken, got me a really awesome winter coat! It matches Max's coat, so that's nice. We look like brothers now. Here are a couple of photos of me sitting on top of the leather chair in our sunroom. I love the sun, just as Max does as well.

Two Dogs

I'm Max, the red doxie. Last week my humans adopted a companion for me, Leo. He's sort of skinny and very energetic. He makes me tired watching him run around so much, like he's on a caffeine high! I'm about 10 years old, Leo is 3 years old and is longer than me. I guess that's because I'm a miniature and Leo is a standard. Whatever that means, that's just what my humans call us.